Josh Espinoza
Lead Campus Supervisor

Josh Espinoza

Josh was born and raised in Glendale, Arizona, so don’t complain about the heat around him! He graduated from Deer Valley High School and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Religion with a Pastoral Emphasis from Vanguard University. Mr. Espinoza was DII State-Runner-Up in high school as well as 10x Regional Champion. Throughout his running career, he also earned 14x All-State Runner titles.

Before heading to Vanguard, Josh competed at the Junior College level, running for Glendale Community College, earning 7 NJCAA All-American titles and the “NJCAA 2013 Southwest Regional Runner of the Year.” At the NAIA level, he earned 7 All-American medals in 2 years, plus 5 Conference Champion titles. Since graduating from Vanguard University, Mr. Espinoza chased down Olympic Trial standards, racing in multiple pro-level track meets around the U.S. Meanwhile, Josh began his coaching career at Pacifica.

As time went on, his goals and passions to prevail in his own career slowly took the backstage as he developed a passion for training young athletes to run and develop healthier physical lives, as well as a spiritual ones. His biggest passion growing up has always been running competitively, and coaching both Cross Country and Track & Field has become a huge part of who he is today. Mr. Espinoza now casually runs with the Pacifica team and thanks God for the gifts he’s been given. He is also involved in the youth and young adult programs at Lighthouse Community Church. He feels extremely blessed that he gets to continue running, all while watching the journey of young lives being shaped in a positive way.


B.A. Religion; Pastoral Emphasis—Vanguard University