A Letter from our Head of School and Chairman
On behalf of the Pacifica Christian High School community, it is our pleasure to introduce Pacifica 2025: The Hope Set Before Us—a strategic vision for Pacifica. We believe thoughtful planning, prudent execution, and intentional resource development are critical to any non-profit, and we take these processes very seriously.
At this exciting time in the school’s history, Pacifica must remain a highly agile, sharply focused, student-first institution while also maturing its operation to enhance predictability, sustainability, and viability. Organized around five pillars with 16 corresponding goals, Pacifica 2025 will guide the Board of Trustees and our team in successfully developing the school through our 10th year of teaching and learning.
Our work has never been more critical!
Having been taught to think and live well, our graduates go into the world prepared to champion and contribute to all that is true, beautiful, and good! These students are well-equipped to lead organizations, launch new businesses, serve the church and others, and positively impact thousands of people through the way they live, work, worship, and play.
Let us give thanks for God’s continued provision for Pacifica. We ask that you join us in prayer as we move our beloved school forward—for the good of this generation and to the glory of God!
David O'Neil
Head of School
Keith Carlson
Board Chairman
It takes 10-15 years to fully establish Pacifica.
As we enter our eighth year of teaching students to think and live well, we are guided by Pacifica’s 3 Founding Goals and our iterative strategic maps. Our 3 Founding Goals provide a rigid focus for the school’s long-term success, while Pacifica 2025 provides a posture of continuous strategy-making towards the school’s ongoing changes that enhance learning and formation. Here is a way to think about this visually:
3 Founding Goals
GOAL 1: Reach Ideal Enrollment
Strengthen programs and school culture while impacting more lives and achieving long-term economic viability.
GOAL 2: Provide Dedicated Facilities
Provide dedicated facilities that enhance and support all aspects of the Pacifica program.
GOAL 3: Acheive Strategic Ownership of Facilities
Eliminating our current mortgage and lease burdens, allows Pacifica to pour its resources directly into its student programs, faculty, and financial aid. Additionally, provides immediate access to the necessary capital to enable future growth.
Over the next four years, Pacifica will continue the critically important work of teaching young people to think and live well.
Through the culmination of our 10th year of teaching and learning, we desire to mature into one of the premier schools of our kind and size. We will accomplish this through the thoughtful allocation of resources towards the continual advancement of our people and programs.
Our goal is to solidify Pacifica as an intellectual and spiritual home for generations of young people while also engaging our broader community in conversations of human flourishing.
Pillar One
Learning for All of Life
Pacifica’s unique Christian Liberal Arts & Sciences education seeks to free students to live lives of character, contribution, and self-giving service to others. It is not enough to merely learn information. Thinking and living well requires knowledge of the world and formation in the practice of character and hospitality: using one’s gifts for the good of others at home, at church, in the marketplace, and in the wider world. Building on our rich academic and Christian foundation, Pacifica will provide generations of young people with a best-in-class education by adding to our course offerings, deepening our core academic and formational practices, expanding our engagement with community and alumni, and differentiating our distinct value.
To achieve this vision, Pacifica has three goals:
Advance the entire academic program while also expanding and strengthening academic teams and interdisciplinary experiences. Pacifica will also further articulate, cultivate, and iterate our core humanities curriculum in conjunction with other unique pathways in mathematics, science, and the arts; strengthening the surpassing value a Pacifica education provides in all areas of life for the 21st century. Simultaneously, Pacifica will invigorate the prominence of Christian faith, practice, and virtue, grounded in Christ.
Prioritize the academic growth and success of each student through additional practices and support structures, alongside a relational faculty and staff who seek to inspire, equip, and support each Triton.
Cultivate in our students the Pacifica Person and give them compelling visions of faith, character, and service, for the restoration of all things. Additionally, explore the development (and implementation) of programs that benefit Pacifica alumni and our broader community with opportunities for meaningful learning for all of life.

Pillar Two
Community & Formation
Pacifica invites young people into abundant and joyful lives as they embrace ‘gratia et veritas’ in community and through formation with exemplary faculty, staff, and coaches. We see the abundant potential in each image-bearing Triton and seek to guide them in their relationships with Christ and with others. There are ‘no mere mortals’ at Pacifica; each community member is precious to God and possesses enormous value, dignity, and specific gifts.
To strengthen our students’ foundation for all of life, Pacifica has three goals:
Focus on integrating and deepening the school’s robust and culture-shaping co-curricular programing: enhance our weekly All-School Meeting / Assemblies / Guest Speakers, refine the Advisory Program, strengthen the structure and predictability of our character and leadership programs, and mature the school’s co-curricular offerings throughout the Pacifica Program.
Increase the depth and richness of the first-year experience, inviting freshmen to live into the Pacifica Culture and aspire to become the Pacifica Person, while fostering positive coming-of-age experiences for all students throughout high school.
Further develop Pacifica’s philosophy of, approach to, and practices for student well-being and our partnerships with the home and the church.

Pillar Three
Our People
Pacifica desires its students, faculty, and staff to flourish in learning and life. At their core, schools are a community of people and ideas. Our people—students and staff alike—are at the heart of our robust learning community. Curriculum and programs alone do not teach young people to ‘think and live well’ for all of life. That goal requires a complete educational experience placing students in relationships with adults of faith who themselves possess strong character, practice spiritual disciplines, participate in the life of the local church, encourage curiosity, equip students to achieve success, and inspire a love for learning. We desire to refine our approaches to our ongoing recruitment, development, support, and flourishing of our students and staff.
To cultivate the potential of our people, Pacifica has three goals:
Attract, support, and retain high-caliber faculty, staff, and coaches who embody the school’s mission, are skilled in the art of teaching, and reflect the beautiful fullness of the body of Christ. Once hired, our team will continue to be provided with missional onboarding resources and ongoing opportunities for meaningful work and professional growth.
Increase applications and enrollments from qualified, mission-fit students who desire a Pacifica education, strengthening the ideal student body through effective marketing, communication, and celebration of the Pacifica mission and program.
Further enhance the implementation of the school’s philosophy and imperative to be a school for students and families from all neighborhoods.

Pillar Four
Advancing Our Mission
Thinking and living well does not simply benefit the student, it benefits our world. In addition to growing our students’ knowledge, we seek to renew their minds to see more clearly, act more justly, and love more lavishly. We want students filled with courage to engage the world with Christian beliefs, ultimately leading to its flourishing and their own. We invite them into an abundant, joyful life by showing them that each moment, every place, and all circumstances offer something of what is true, beautiful, and good. To further our work and ministry, Pacifica will better communicate our unique mission and notable accomplishments, inviting all constituents to meaningfully and purposefully participate in the ongoing advancement of our beloved Pacifica, to the glory of God.
To further our work in the world, Pacifica has four goals:
Cultivate a vibrant culture of philanthropy among all stakeholders that effectively strengthens relationships, adds value to our larger community, and increases the joy and longevity of Pacifica patrons.
Establish and meaningfully fund The Pacifica Endowment in order to serve current and future generations in support of the Pacifica mission and ministry.
Generate and communicate a unified message that clearly conveys the value of a Pacifica education and ensures that we hold a leading position in the marketplace.
Maintain and expand the school’s campus—as growth requires—with facilities that are well-supported, appropriately-equipped, and capable of enhancing all aspects of the Pacifica Program.

Pillar Five
Leading Our Mission
We believe predictability, sustainability, and viability are essential for long-term institutional health—as well as sustaining a culture of agility and flexibility in pursuing our mission. Pacifica will strengthen its organization to build a strong foundation for long-term sustainability.
To propel our mission into the future, Pacifica has three goals:
Steward the Board of Trustees and its committees to successfully implement each initiative of the Strategic Map.
Organize the school’s workflow and structures to support the school as a whole—especially how it promotes predictability, sustainability, and viability—over time.
Further refine the school’s fiscal plan seeking to strengthen its financial foundation and long-term sustainability. Additionally, we will review and enhance the use of systems and technology to make our school operations more predictable, sustainable, and viable over time.