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Pacifica Christian Opens New Center for Learning

February 8th, 2022

Learning and community are now underway in The Rosalie and Harold Rae Brown Center for Learning.

Opening festivities began with a Celebration Chapel on gratitude, Triton's Trumpet, bagpipes, and the joy of our students experiencing this new beautiful building for the first time. Our community is thrilled and humbled by the sacrificial generosity of all who brought this vision to reality.

Place and story matter. This new building, along with Pacifica’s approach to learning and formation, brings them together in unique ways that will profoundly impact the lives of teenagers.

The new Center is designed to foster a culture of connectedness, collaboration, and community. This building offers a vibrant and inspirational atmosphere providing students with a learning environment that will prepare them well for the opportunity and complexity of our ever-changing world. 

The campus adapts to the needs of our community. Our Learning Studios, STEAM Space, and Learning Commons transform into larger meeting spaces to host conferences, facilitate project-based learning, and so much more.

Whether basking in the sun on the Pacifica Plaza, reading a great book while enjoying the ocean breeze on the terrace, spending time with peers in the Learning Commons, or preparing for an exam in The Cove; there is a place for relationships and learning. 

The completion of this new building is a significant milestone for the school. We now have a permanent place to prepare future thinkers, creators, and contributors for good work in every sector of life. Providing unique learning spaces for every discipline will further elevate Pacifica’s Christ-centered, academically respected, deeply relational, educational community. 

I invite you to experience the moment when our students were first introduced to their new home.

Join me in heartfelt and humble thanks to all who have made this possible. The work and ministry of Pacifica have never been more critical than it is today. With thanksgiving and resolve for the vital work before us, let us carry on, seeking to teach this generation of young people to think and live well — until Christ calls us home.

With love and prayers,

David O'Neil
Head of School