Now viewing articles in the category TGC.
2025 Declamations Overall Winner: Addison Arbini
March 3rd, 2025
This past Friday, we witnessed nine talented performances for our declamations finalists, musical interludes that brought about standing ovations, and a celebration of a job well done as we call our students higher in the practices of speech and memorization.
Pacifica's 4th Annual Declamations Finalists
January 10th, 2025
It is our distinct pleasure to announce our finalists for the 4th Annual TGC Declamations Contest! There were many qualified candidates this year, but these nine finalists rose to the top. These students will now move on to our Declamations Finals event.
Malcolm Guite Lecture Recording
December 3rd, 2024
We were honored to have Dr. Malcolm Guite as our guest speaker at the 2024 Lewis Dinner. The recording of his lecture is available for listening and sharing now.
The 2024 Lewis Dinner
October 19th, 2024
On Saturday, October 19, 250 sons of Adam and daughters of Eve gathered for an unforgettable evening of fellowship, encouragement, and merriment for the second installment of The Lewis Dinner. What an extraordinary evening it was! Each guest brought an enthusiasm, warmth, and shared spirit of adventure that created an evening of unparalleled beauty, reminding us all that we are indeed the salt and light of this wondrous, created world. Alleluia!
Recording Live: With Dr. Thomas Kidd
March 7th, 2024
Our gratitude and thanks to Dr. Thomas Kidd for coming to our campus for a discussion on his book, "Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh." Dr. Kidd expounds on how Thomas Jefferson was both a brilliant and inspiring political writer and how the ethical realities of his personal life and political career did not live up to his soaring rhetoric. Learn how the tensions of democracy versus slavery, republican virtue versus dissolute consumption, and veneration for Jesus versus skepticism about Christianity defined his moral life.
3rd Annual Declamations Contest
March 4th, 2024
Last Friday evening, Pacifica hosted our Third Annual TGC Declamations Contest. Our nine finalists declaimed important works from The Great Conversation in the categories of Bible/Theology, Non-Fiction/Historical, and Literature. One winner from each category was named, as well as an overall winner.
We are so proud of our finalists who brilliantly modeled the school's mission of thinking well—through their preparation and memorization—and living well—through their courage and poise. Whether you were able to join us or want to relive every moment, you may view each performance on our Declamations Contest 2024 Playlist here.
We are confident you will be impressed, inspired, and blessed by these amazing young men and women.Pacifica builds on God's "sure foundation" through The Great Conversation
December 17th, 2023
Isaiah wrote that in the 8th Century, B.C. In this season of Advent, when we remember the coming of that “precious cornerstone”—Jesus—and anticipate his coming again, we can look back on what has been built on the “sure foundation” in the past year, and the past centuries. We see the prophet reminding us that our belief impacts our actions. Our thinking impacts our living, and vice versa. And there are two starkly different ways to approach life: building on God’s foundation or on man’s.
WATCH: The Dead Sea Scrolls Lecture & Display with Dr. Kenneth Way
November 14th, 2023
Pacifica continues The Great Conversation with a special viewing of a facsimile of the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsa), discovered at Qumran near the Dead Sea. The splendor of the scroll, including Isaiah 53, was on display and accompanied by a lecture by Kenneth Way, Professor and Chair of Old Testament and Semitics at Biola University, about this Hebrew text and its ancient witness of Jesus before His birth.
Posted in: TGCA New Tradition is Born: The Annual Lewis Dinner
September 25th, 2023
The Lewis Dinner is Orange County’s premier annual event celebrating the rich history of the Christian faith while encouraging lives of grace and truth in our human affairs on this side of Heaven—to God’s glory! A truly one-of-a-kind event!
WATCH: The Post-Christian Worldview as New Religion with Dr. Andrew J Newell
April 24th, 2023
Pacifica continues The Great Conversation with a lecture and Q&A featuring Dr. Andrew J Newell.Andrew J. Newell BA (Hons) (Lpool), MSt, DPhil (Oxon) is the Junior Research Fellow (J.R.F.) in Literature & Theology at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and holds the post of J.R.F. at the Oxford University English...Posted in: TGCWATCH: Fatherhood and The Free & Virtuous Society with Dr. Anthony Bradley
March 30th, 2023
Pacifica continues The Great Conversation with a symposium and Q&A featuring Dr. Anthony Bradley.Dr. Anthony Bradley is a professor of religious studies and director of the Center for the Study of Human Flourishing at The King’s College.
Dr. Bradley is also a research fellow at The Acton Institute. Dr. Bradley lectures at colleges, universities, business organizations, conferences, and churches throughout the U.S. and abroad. His writings on religious and cultural issues have been published in a variety of journals, including: the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Washington Examiner, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Detroit News, Christianity Today, and World Magazine.
Dr. Bradley is called upon by members of the broadcast media for comment on current issues and has appeared on C-SPAN, NPR, CNN/Headline News, and Fox News, among others. He studies and writes on issues of race in America, mass incarceration and over criminalization, youth and family, welfare, education, and ethics.
Posted in: TGCWATCH: Anthropology and The Free & Virtuous Society with Father Robert Sirico
March 28th, 2023
WATCH: Anthropology and The Free & Virtuous Society with Father Robert Sirico
Posted in: TGCWATCH: Economics and The Free & Virtuous Society with David Bahnsen
March 26th, 2023
Pacifica continues The Great Conversation with a symposium and Q&A featuring Mr. David Bahnsen.
Posted in: TGCWATCH: Senior Nathan Kopel Wins the 2023 Declamations Contest
March 20th, 2023
Our 2nd annual TGC Declamations Contest was a great success. This inspiring evening of oration showcased the talents of Pacifica's students as they declaimed masterfully crafted works—both new and familiar—from The Great Conversation. Having progressed through several rounds of comp...Former Member of the National Security Council, Dr. Inboden, Launches 2023 TGC Season with Insightful Lecture
January 30th, 2023
On Thursday, January 19, Pacifica continued The Great Conversation with a forum and Q&A featuring Dr. William Inboden on his book, The Peacemaker: Ronald Reagan, the Cold War, & the World on the Brink. Dr. William Inboden is currently the Executive Director and William Powers, Jr. Chair a...Chapman University President Speaks to Pacifica Students About the Value of Latin & Classical Studies
November 16th, 2022
On Tuesday, November 15, Pacifica welcomed Chapman University President, and Pacifica parent, Dr. Daniele Struppa for a lecture on Why Latin & Classical Studies?Struppa, the Donald Bren Presidential Chair in Mathematics, invited students to discover how studying Latin can enhance their skills across...WATCH: Logan Bray wins Inaugural Declamations Contest, Dedication of Yad Vashem Holocaust History Museum by Elie Wiesel
February 16th, 2022
The First Annual Declamations Contest is an inspiring evening of oration that showcases the talents of Pacifica students as they declaim masterfully crafted works—both new and familiar—from The Great Conversation. Having progressed through several rounds of competition—our 10 finalists decl...Posted in: TGC