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Pacifica is launched—and it is very good!

September 10th, 2015

Dear Friends, It is truly inspiring, deeply honoring, and greatly encouraging that we can work together to do something good. Thank you for the important role so many of you have played in bringing into reality Pacifica Christian—a good place. I am writing to share with you the good work that has been accomplished these past months so that you might join with us in giving thanks. In June, a generous friend challenged our community with a $250,000 matching campaign. I am thrilled to tell you we met the challenge in 40 days! We raised $500,000 to launch the school and more than doubled the school’s base of support. The funds were used to complete our remodel, furnish our classrooms, launch our athletic program, and provide student scholarships. There is more work to be done, but we have laid a good foundation. On August 24th, we welcomed 50 students and their parents to campus for the first time for orientation. Pacifica’s founding students are an impressive group of young people. Their commitment to the school’s motto of thinking and living well is evident in all they do. Approximately 98% of students will play at least one sport this season, 40% of students will participate in the school’s first play, and over 65% of students participate in Associated Students—our student leadership program. More importantly these students are good young men and women who are committed to building a good school for themselves, and others. More than 350 people gathered to give thanks and ask for the Lord’s blessing on the school year at our Annual Dedication Service. I spoke on our theme for the year: Grace and Truth. Pacifica teachers charged the students to grow in their love, being ever mindful of what they love, and how they love. Next month, we will host our first TGC (The Great Conversation) Symposium which will feature renowned C. S. Lewis scholars, educators, and clergymen who will lead attendees through a two-day exploration of Lewis’s thoughts on “the education of the soul”. The symposium is free and open to the public. I hope you will join us as we anticipate hundreds of folks in our community in attendance. ONeil_DavidPacifica is launched—and it is very good! Opening our school has required the vision, courage, hard work, and resources of many in our community. And we are very thankful.  Your continued support will be required as we engage in the critical call to teach the next generation to think and live well. I have found deep joy being involved in the launching of Pacifica.  I pray you will continue the journey with us to ensure this new resource for our community will thrive for generations to come.     With love and prayers, David K. O’Neil Head of School