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The Launch of The Pacifica House System

August 28th, 2024


Watch the Hosue Introduction at the 10th Annual Dedication Service


The Launching of The Pacifica House System

At our 10th All School Dedication Service, we unveiled the four new House crests that individually represent St. Matthew's, St. Mark's, St. Luke's, and St. John's House. Each House crest was crafted with great intention and took inspiration from the Saint's patronage and ministry. We invite you to dive into the world of The Pacifica House System and how it is further integrated into Pacifica as a whole.

The Four Houses

Our student body, faculty, and staff are divided into four Houses, each named after one of the evangelists, reflecting our school’s deep commitments and heritage. Each House is a diverse mix of students and staff from all grade levels, ensuring a broad spectrum of interactions and relationships.

Explore each of the Houses


House Events & Experiences

Throughout the academic year, Houses participate in a variety of events, including academic competitions, house experiences & tournaments, artistic showcases, community service projects, and social gatherings. These activities challenge students, promote teamwork, and foster the development of a wide range of skills. Houses earn points for participation and performance in various activities and competitions, with points awarded for victories as well as effort, creativity, and sportsmanship. At the end of the year, the House with the highest point total is awarded the coveted House Cup, symbolizing excellence and collective achievement.

Tour the Hall of Honors


Posted in the categories News, Student Life.