Robotics Team's First Competition!
February 10th, 2025
To study with curious minds, and wonder in our hearts, the living world that God has given us.
This is the response read aloud by Pacifica's founding robotics team to the question "Why are we here today?"
After 150 hours of problem solving, engineering, re-imagining, and experimenting, our students left the competition with more clarity than ever, that curious minds can and do find more wonder and joy in the natural world.
On Saturday, February 8, Pacifica's founding robotics team set-up shop in McBride Gymnasium among 37 other teams to compete in this year's high stakes challenge. The objective of the game was to place as many rings as possible on both mobile and stationary stakes in a 12 by 12 foot field. Our team was partnered with a new team for each of our 6 qualifying matches, to plan and execute the best strategy that utilized each team's design and engineering decisions to beat the competition. After 6 rounds, our team came away with a record of 3 and 3! We were then selected by a team of higher rank to go into playoffs as an alliance. And after winning our first playoff match by an unbelievably close call, we took our leave in the quarter finals.
Our competition team consisted of Madeleine Backus, Dylan Vutpakdi, James Chamberlain, Dax Mason, Jasper Rogers, and Jackson Bryden. The team dedicated near 150 hours both of in-school time and after-school. To the great praise of our team, we placed in the top half of our first competition, and made it to the quarter finals. We're only getting started with great excitement moving forward and expect to have even more wonder and joy as we further explore our world.