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A Relational Culture

December 5th, 2014

My most compelling teacher was Mr. Monroe—my 9th grade History teacher. Although he expected more work and preparation than any of my other teachers, I eagerly completed any task he assigned because I knew he cared and wanted the best for my future. He took the time to be present in my life, encourage my passions, and challenged me in and out of the classroom.  Mr. Monroe had a meaningful impact on my life that continues today. Likewise, at Pacifica we know students have a desire to know and be known—to be in meaningful relationships. Pacifica’s culture emanates from the personal relationships forged between students and teachers. Teachers model lives marked by character and joy, which encourages students to grow personally in mind and heart. Teachers display their care for students in simple ways outside of the classroom. They attend athletic events, take students to lunch, and even meet with students outside of class to prepare for upcoming assignments. By showing their love for students, teachers earn the trust of their students. This culture provides the opportunity for students to be cared for as well as challenged in their work, life, and faith. Accordingly, the Pacifica classroom is designed to promote a relational culture. Small class sizes allow time for curiosity and questions to be part of the dialogue between students and teachers. Through this process, faculty can encourage students to form convictions rooted in truth, while modeling compassion and grace for those with different opinions. It is through a relational culture that Pacifica students are taught to think and live well. With Grace & Truth, Dr. Ben Roberson