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Preparation and anticipation, for Christmas and for Pacifica-OC!

December 20th, 2014

Dear Friends, May we be among the first to wish you a Merry Christmas and to celebrate this season of Advent with you. Advent is a time to prepare, and a time to eagerly await an arrival. During the first Advent, God's people eagerly awaited their Savior.  And then, suddenly, there was light in the darkness. "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." God graciously revealed eternal truth to the world through the mortal body of a simple servant, bringing hope and light to all. Those of us in the Pacifica Christian High School-Orange County community can certainly relate this Christmas season!  As individuals we are cooking, shopping, decorating, and joining in the season’s celebrations.  And as a school community we are also preparing, anticipating, and awaiting—hiring, recruiting, and building. Preparation and anticipation, for Christmas and for our new school—it is a double blessing, and a double longing, this year. The amount of preparation needed to start Pacifica is significant, but so is the anticipation.  Anticipation for the good work our Lord will do through Pacifica-Orange County.  We can hardly wait!

As we eagerly await the first students arriving at Pacifica next fall, we want to thank you, our friends, for your generosity and prayers.  Because of you, Pacifica is coming soon.  The wait is almost over! Merry Christmas, Keith Carlson Board Chairman David O’Neil Head of School