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Character Building Athletics

January 20th, 2015

Pacifica athletics changes you for the better. My Pacifica athletics experience instilled in me many values that shaped my performance on, and off the court. At Pacifica, I was challenged and encouraged to be a leader amongst my peers. I learned the value of hard work and perseverance in the face of adversity. The lessons from Pacifica’s athletics remain with students far after their playing career is over. Pacifica's coaches pour into students' lives not just to make them better athletes, but also to make them better people. Because Pacifica is a small school, I had the opportunity to be supported by mentor coaches on and off the court.
On the court, I was challenged to compete and maintain respect for my opponent at the same time. Off the court, the close relationship I had with my coach enabled me to go beyond the basic recruiting process to find a college that was a great fit for me.
In addition to building character, Pacifica prepares athletes for competing at the collegiate level. I knew even before entering high school that I wanted to play basketball in college. I firmly believe that my experience in the athletic department at Pacifica enabled me to reach that goal by providing opportunities I would not otherwise have had. Because of Pacifica’s size, athletes play in meaningful games earlier in their career. At Pacifica, athletes enter their first season needing to play a pivotal role and contribute to their team’s success in order to compete for a league title, or keep a playoff run alive. As an underclassman athletes will be given valuable touches, repetitions, and opportunities to play in high-pressure situations. These opportunities provide both valuable competitive experiences for the collegiate level, and character-building moments for life. David HammerI encourage you to be a member and founder of Pacifica-Orange County’s athletic program. David Hammer Alumnus of Pacifica-Santa Monica (Class of 2009)