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Pacifica Launches New Arts Initiative

July 21st, 2016

Pacifica OC ArtsPacifica Christian High School-Orange County announces The Arts Collaborative at Pacifica; a pilot arts program for all Pacifica students beginning this fall. The program is designed to introduce students to a different art medium each trimester under the tutelage of local professional artists. Pacifica students will be tutored through project-based learning, while simultaneously being encouraged to cultivate their imagination, think innovatively, and gain confidence in self-expression. As a result, students will find themselves eager to seek that which is true, beautiful, and good in the world. The Arts Collaborative at Pacifica is part of an extensive growth initiative in Pacifica’s Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Department. Leslee Myers, Director of Visual and Performing Arts stated, "We are pleased to expand our course offerings through The Arts Collaborative at Pacifica. Within Orange County, there are many talented artists eager to teach the next generation of budding young students. There is no better way to achieve this collaboration than in an encouraging environment where artist and students can engage in project-based learning. Students will not only learn the techniques of new artistic mediums and engage with professionals, but more importantly, they will learn to enjoy the arts and the freedom of expression that comes from creating new works." Pacifica students who love to create and are willing to work hard in this rigorous, project-based program are encouraged to enroll.

Course Details:

  • Courses will consist of two days of instruction and two days of studio time every week. Class meetings run from 7:00 AM to 7:55 AM.
  • Enrollment is limited to 16 students on a first come, first enrolled basis.
  • Each student is eligible for 2 units of elective credit (non-UC approved) for each trimester.
  • A nominal materials fee will be collected for each course.
  • Proposed 2016-2017 courses include Drawing, Painting, and Mixed Media.
AliIf you are interested in learning more aboutThe Arts Collaborative at Pacifica, contact Ms. Myers at [email protected]. This year’s Artist-in-Residence, Alissa Clark, brings extensive experience in the visual and fine arts. We encourage you to learn more about Ms. Clark by reading her biography.