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Pacifica Christian High School-Orange County Receives WASC Accreditation

August 24th, 2016

WASCDavid O'Neil, Head of School, announced that Pacifica Christian High School-Orange County has been granted full accreditation* by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) for the next three years—the longest accreditation available to a first-year school. Members of the WASC visiting committee, who spent time on campus in the spring, were very impressed by what they observed, noting the following specific areas of achievement:
  • Uncommon dedication to the school’s mission; a dedication shared by students, parents, the teaching staff, the site leadership, and the governing board.
  • Dedicated and caring staff; the level of commitment to the learning process and to the students’ mastering the school’s motto—often quoted by students and parents—“think well, live well.”
  • Instructional program built on student participation and dialogue that develops deep understandings of the course contents.
  • Established culture of a respectful relationship of trust that builds a connectedness within the school and surrounding community and community partners.
  • Clean, well-maintained, and well-equipped facility.
  • Careful establishment of a solid fiscal foundation for sustainability.
"We regard this affirmation with humility, giving thanks to God, and directing our praise to His power and provision. As we celebrate, we will continue to work hard to enact our mission, to strengthen areas of weakness, and to grow the school." stated Mr. O'Neil. * Pacifica has already applied to add grade 11 to its accreditation during the 2016-17 school year and will apply for grade 12 accreditation next spring for the 2017-18 school year.