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Pacifica Students Outperform Peers in National Testing

March 3rd, 2017

  PCHS-OC LogoPacifica Christian High School-Orange County reported today that their students have displayed academic growth over the past year and continue to outperform their peers as displayed in the 2016-17 CTP 41 and PSAT results.

CTP 4 Results

With two years of testing data in hand, Pacifica is now able to show year-over-year progress for our founding sophomore (class of 2019) and junior (class of 2018) classes. Below is a summary of the results for those two classes preceeded by the first year of results for the current freshman class.  

Freshmen | Class of 2020

  • Average of 29 percentile points higher than National Norm

Sophomores | Class of 2019 

  • Average of 37 percentile points higher than the National Norm

Juniors | Class of 2018

  • Average of 32 percentile points higher than National Norm
  • *The change in class size from 12 students in 2015-16 to 18 students in 2016-17 combined with a 33% shift in demographic creates an anomaly for measuring progress year-over-year. However, this data is useful as a snapshot for each individual year.

PSAT Results

PSAT Pacifica is thrilled to see this level of academic growth over the past year and look forward to continuous improvement in the years to come. If you are interested in discussing these results, please contact Dr. Ben Roberson, Principal, at [email protected] or 949-887-2070.
CTP 41Each year, Pacifica students take the CTP 4 (Comprehensive Testing Program), a rigorous assessment for high achieving students provided by the ERB (Educational Records Bureau). The purpose of CTP 4 is to assess student growth and academic performance. The results enable Pacifica to identify strengths and weaknesses on an individual and school-wide level. Definition of TermsThe CTP 4 displays results in percentile-rank, which are scores that tell what percentage of same-grade peers scored equal to or greater than the tested individual on a norm-referenced or standardized assessment.  Percentile ranks are provided by grade-level and in reference to National Norm and Independent school norms.National norm is the estimated performance of all students in the United States at the relevant grade level as a result of norm-referenced (comparable assessments) tests.