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COVID Reflections - Allyson

May 15th, 2020

Originally posted May 15, 2020

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have affected nearly every sphere of our lives. It has halted the rhythm of our routines, threatened the economic stability of many, and has planted a seed of fear in the hearts of millions as to what the future holds. However, it is in this unprecedented season of isolation and transition, that people everywhere are given a unique chance to reflect on the blessings of life. As the world has been challenged to rise and adapt to the unknowns of virtual life, we can suddenly find ourselves grateful for the small things that we neglected to appreciate before. The world is actively being taught a lesson in both flexibility and gratitude. 

As a student, I find myself anticipating returning to my school campus once again, seeing and learning with my friends, and talking in-person with my teachers—for there really is no substitute for face-to-face interaction. That said, despite the countless challenges that online learning has presented to students across the nation, I am beyond grateful for my teachers, as they have not only worked hard to create as seamless a transition as possible for my classmates and me, but they have taught me how to think critically about the world in which I live, allowing me to live in freedom from fear as I realize that we serve a God who is greater than this season of adjustment and isolation.

Most importantly, my time at Pacifica has illuminated the importance of maintaining a communal perspective, as we have been taught that one’s education is fulfilled in service. Therefore, in this time of need and uncertainty, I realize that I must not become bogged down in obsessing over my own desires, but I must keep my eyes up and forward, as I strive to meet the needs of those around me. For although we are “all in this together,” we are definitely not all in the same boat. It is incredible how living in service not only liberates you from the loneliness of self-centeredness but enables you to live in gratitude and appreciation—for there is always, always, always something to be thankful for!