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Pacifica Performing Arts Honors Its Fall Season Seniors

April 23rd, 2020

Originally posted April 23, 2020

Theatre is an art form that reveals the beauty of humanity, and helps us understand ourselves, the world around us, and God.  God, as the creator of truth and beauty, uses gifted performers to love his world. Last fall in the perfroming arts, our beloved seniors - performers, technicians, and costumers- 
blessed our entire community by their work onstage in The Diary of Anne Frank. 

Holocaust survivor William Harvery attended the play and gave a special audience talkback afterwards, declaring, "This was best production of The Diary of Anne Frank I have ever seen - and I have seen many". Thank you to seniors Annika Bahnsen, Jacob Hallman, Lindsay Herbert, Rebecca Li, Hayden Shields, Braedon Steiner, Emma Till and Titus Ward. We pray for these seniors, and we recognize their achievement. This was not the way they envisioned the end of their senior year, but recalling their beautiful portrayal of joy in the midst of suffering offers inspiration to each of us. Readers will meet the dedicated technicians that created the world of Anne Frank so authentically in our next Performing Arts tribute. May God bless our seniors.