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Prominent Historian speaking at Pacifica

February 28th, 2020

Originally posted February 28, 2020

Pacifica is pleased to welcome author Tony Williams to campus on Monday, March 2nd, at 12:15 to discuss religious liberty and the American founding as part of The Great Conversation. Parents and guests are welcome to attend this very special presentation from an important voice in historical scholarship.

Tony Williams is a Senior Teaching Fellow with the Bill of Rights Institute in Arlington, VA, where he researches and writes historical and civics content. He earned history degrees from Syracuse University and Ohio State University and taught history for fifteen years. He is the author of six books including Washington and Hamilton: The Alliance that Forged America and Hamilton: An American Biography. He is presently writing a history of the Declaration of Independence. He has been published in several blogs including Law & LibertyReal Clear Politics, and Powerline, among others. He lectures frequently at universities, museums, schools, conferences, and civics groups around the country. He lives with his wife and children in Williamsburg, VA.

Click here to view MR. William's books on Amazon.