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Looking to Our Future | Celebrating 5 Years!

May 21st, 2020

Originally posted May 21, 2020

Our founding years have been thrilling and have brought to fruition a beautiful learning community that prepares young people to faithfully impact everywhere they work, live, and serve. We look to these next five years of growth and maturity with equal enthusiasm and precision. Simply stated, we aim to be the best school of our kind.

The challenges we all currently share further confirm a long-held belief Pacificans have about our community—Our Size is Our Asset! Learning and spiritual formation at their best are relational. Our relationships with students, and their relationships with one another, are essential to our partnership with them as they prepare for lives of purpose and meaning.

Over the next five years, Pacifica will enhance and deepen its unique curriculum and programming while embodying its commitments to relational learning grounded in Christian faith.

Building on our foundation of success, Pacifica will enhance and deepen its unique curriculum and programming while embodying its commitments to relational learning grounded in Christian faith.

As we grow enrollment to our ideal size, new programs and facilities will be added in every discipline, establishing Pacifica as a best-in-class school throughout Orange County and far beyond. 

Through the continuation of the work of our founders, we desire to be a national exemplar for teaching and learning with a unique emphasis on discussion and the integration of faith with learning which will equip students to enjoy and thrive in all aspects of life. 

We plan to deepen our curriculum by expanding our opportunities for learning in areas that help humans flourish: economics, civics, ethics, humanities, and the applied and hard sciences. We want our students' contribution to society in the marketplace, the home, the church, and the wider world to also bring greater flourishing to the communities they serve.

The Tritons will continue to strive together towards greatnessas we add new sports, develop coaches, secure and improve athletic facilities, and enhance the Triton athletic culture and experience for all student-athletes and spectators. 

Our artists will continue to express the true, the beautiful, and the good as we add new arts electives to enhance our culture of creativity while maintaining a cycle of practice, exhibition, and critique that improves each experience for both the Pacifica artist and the audience.

Now all of this good work needs a permanent home.

To that end, in 2017, generous supporters helped Pacifica purchase a new building at 1499 Monrovia. Located just 40 yards west of our current campus, this two-story building provides Pacifica the ability to achieve the vision described above.

Next, Pacifica began its Building a Home Campaign which, through two phases, will both increase the number of young people we can impact and securely anchor the school within our community as an intellectual and spiritual home for thousands of young people to come.

During Phase I, we will transform the building into the new home for the Pacifica experience. From here, we will have a permanent place from which we prepare future thinkers, creators, and contributors for good work in every sector of life.

In Phase II, we will remodel our current campus into a hub for co-curriculars where well-rounded student-athletes and student-artists are trained to compete and create at the highest levels. Filled with unique spaces to play, create, and worship, this reimagined space will help teenagers grow, stretch, and take risks as they strive to think and live well.

Of course, all of this—and so much more—will be inspired by our next strategic plan which will be introduced later this year. 

Thank you for the vital role you play in our future and in our mission of preparing young people for lives of meaning and purpose!