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Junior Classical League's Evening at The Getty

October 19th, 2023

On September 27, the Pacifica Junior Classical League team along with other Latin 3 and 4 students went to the Getty Villa in Malibu for an evening filled with education and entertainment as they watched a special performance of the award winning 1980’s play, The Gospel at Colonus, which is a retelling of Sophocles’ last known work Oedipus at Colonus. The play was performed in the Romanesque Outdoor Theater at the Getty Villa. It was a wonderful opportunity to experience what it was like to watch a play in ancient Roman times where none of the actors were mic’d, and the interaction with the audience was palpable and immediate. Students had the opportunity to attend a special Q&A session with the actors, and then had one hour of unlimited private access to the Getty Villa Museum. Other schools in attendance included students from UCLA, USC, and Westmont.

Posted in the category Academics.