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New Course Registration Process for the 2025-26 School Year

January 16th, 2025

This year, the Counseling Department will meet with each student individually during the school day to register for their courses for the 2025-26 school year. Appointments began this week and will continue through the end of March. During the appointment, students will create or revise their 4-year plan, receive guidance on proper course selection to achieve their academic goals, and input their course requests into MyPacifica.
  • Freshmen will meet with their counselor during their scheduled Study Hall periods.
  • Sophomores should schedule a Course Registration Meeting with either Mrs. Brase or Mrs. Campbell during an Independent Learning Time.
  • Juniors should schedule a Junior Counseling Meeting with their assigned counselor. They can find their assigned counselor on Naviance.
  • Parents will receive an email after their student's meeting that indicates the courses that were requested. Parents are encouraged to discuss these course selections with their son or daughter at home. Changes to your student's course requests can be made until March 31.
Posted in the categories College Counseling, General, Weekly Newsletter.