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Parents & Pedagogy Recordings Now Available

October 27th, 2023

Last week's Parents & Pedagogy was a great success as more than 70 parents gathered to cultivate community and learn from our outstanding faculty. Videos of each session are included below so you can relive each moment or view the sessions you missed. Handouts are also linked for reference.

We encourage all parents to watch these videos as they provide valuable insight into your student's classroom experience and talking points for connecting with your teenager at home. 

Why the Old Books? - Mrs. Laura Hashimov (English Department Chair)
We will take a brief look at why Pacifica's students read ancient texts and how those texts can help us better see and live our modern lives.
Handout:On the Reading of Old Books excerpt from C.S. Lewis
Dante's Divine Comedy - Dr. David Woods (World Literature & Composition)
Dante’s Divine Comedy is one of the greatest human achievements in the history of Western culture, yet it is also one of the least read, and some would say, least understood. Join Dr. Woods as he introduces Dante’s work in a way that is accessible to anyone and charts a path forward to the wisdom and beauty that lies gleaming on every page.
We will compare the Babylonian creation myth Enuma Elish with the account found in Genesis 1-3. Comparing and contrasting these two accounts of human creation helps illuminate the ways in which our beliefs about human origins shape our assumptions about human nature and purpose. More importantly, they challenge us to ask the question: what story of origins is most consistent with the lived experience of being a human?
Handout: Mr. Vincent's presentation slides

Let the Voices Speak - Mrs. Angela Ward (U.S. History)
The plethora of American primary source documents reveals a powerful history of ideas that are critical for understanding both our past and our future. In this session, we will read together one such document—Jefferson’s deleted section of the Declaration of Independence—and then discuss its significance.
Handouts: APPARTS Overview, Declaration of Independence, Impact of Colonial Grievances on the Constitution & the Bill of Rights handout, and Deleted Passage of the Declaration of Independence
Posted in the category Learning.