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Jennifer Brase

Jennifer Brase

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Position:Dean of College Counseling

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Jennifer Brase has worked in the field of college admission counseling for over 25 years. Her experience includes four years at Pepperdine University as an admission counselor–and later as the Associate Director of Admissions–where she read applications and traveled throughout the country recruiting students. She also worked “on the other side of the desk” as the Director of College Counseling at St. Margaret’s Episcopal School where she served as an academic counselor and guided students in the college application process. Jennifer is an active member of WACAC (Western Association for College Admission Counseling) and has served on its Executive Board. In recognition of her outstanding work with students, she was awarded the Steve Hankins New Counselor Award by WACAC in 1992. After becoming a mother, she desired a more flexible schedule in order to spend more time with her children and founded Match U College Counseling where she continued her work counseling students. Jennifer has become known for helping students brainstorm essay topics that help applicants bring their stories to life.

Jennifer has lived in Orange County since the age of five. She attended public high school and then went to Pepperdine University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. In addition to college counseling, Jennifer is active in the local high school PTA serving as Vice President of Advocacy where she has often traveled to Sacramento to advocate for education. She attends Saddleback Church and has traveled to Rwanda with her family as part of the PEACE Plan. In her free time, Jennifer enjoys running, spending time with her family and relaxing at the beach.


B.A. Communications – Pepperdine University

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