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Learning Scenarios, Tritons Together (2 of 3)

August 27th, 2020

As we shared in our first email, our plan remains to begin the fall on campus with in-person learning and our intention is to educate students on campus throughout the 2020-2021 school year. That being said we recognize that circumstances could arise that may necessitate the school utilize more than one learning scenario throughout this school year. To provide continuity of learning we are ready to operate the school in three different learning scenarios: 

  1. Our preferred, in-person and on-campus Pacifica Hybrid Learning Scenario
  2. Distance Learning Scenario should the school be required to close campus temporarily; and
  3. Hybrid Learning in Cohorts Scenario should the school require to further reduce the number of students on campus each day.

Additionally, we acknowledge that some families may desire for their students to learn from home exclusively and not to attend campus for the entire first semester. For these families we are thankful to offer a Distance Learning Only Option. For families who desire this option they must complete the Distance Learning Only Commitment Form by September, 1. Complete this form by logging into MyPacifica, select the yellow bar indicating you have forms to review, and complete the form. 
All families are, whether Distance Learning or in person, are required to complete the following forms:

  • Zoom Consent Form
  • SY20/21 Return to Campus Consent Form

Complete these forms by logging into MyPacifica, selecting the yellow bar indicating you have forms to review, and complete the forms. 
An overview of each of the learning scenarios is outlined below:

Pacifica’s Hybrid learning is our preferred scenario where the vast majority of students attend school daily, receiving live instruction from their teachers, while the other students may join the class via Zoom from home for these two reasons:

  • They are sick, displaying symptoms of COVID-19, were in recent close contact with a person with COVID-19, or have COVID-19; or
  • Have elected the Distance Learning Only option for the entirety of the 1st semester.

Within this model teachers will livestream the classes they are teaching on campus to Pacifica students via Zoom and record them making them available for individual students upon request following an absence(s). For students who are sick or displaying symptoms of COVID-19, the family must report to the office as described in the Excused Absence Policy as found in the Student Handbook
This learning scenario:

  • Provides on-campus and in-person learning to all students;
  • In person/streaming All-School Meetings, Chapels, and Advisory through smaller on-campus cohorts;
  • Utilizes Pacifica’s Hybrid Bell Schedule (will be published in the next email)
  • Allows Distance Learning Only students to learn from home; 
  • Classes recorded daily via Zoom to be available upon request for students who were absent; and
  • Co-curricular activities in accordance with local or state guidance.

With a priority of on-campus learning, we recognize the possibility that a situation could arise that would temporarily require the school to return to Distance Learning. In preparation for this possibility, the school is updating its infrastructure to further improve a student’s learning experience from home. 
This learning scenario:

  • Provides daily live virtual classes taught by faculty members on campus and recorded Zoom classes that are made available upon request;
  • Utilizes the Distance Learning Bell Schedule (will be published in the next email); and
  • Virtual All-School Assemblies, Chapels, and Advisories; and
  • Further modified co-curricular activities will be made available in accordance with local or state guidance.

The school may need to move to a learning scenario that requires having some students on campus, and some at home. In Hybrid Learning inCohorts, half of the students would learn from home while the others would learn on campus, from the same teacher, in 3-day rotations.
We do not anticipate utilizing this scenario, but we are prepared for it should it be required. The Hybrid Learning in Cohorts model may allow us to return to on-campus learning quicker as wisdom allows. 
This learning scenario:

  • Establishes Student Cohorts using Pacifica’s color teams.
  • Provides daily on-campus instruction to approximately half the student body on campus while the other half participate from home via Zoom;
  • Rotates cohorts on and off campus every three days (three days on campus, three days off campus)
  • Utilizes the HybridBell Schedule; and
  • In-person/Virtual All-School Assemblies, Chapels, and Advisories.

For families who desire for their student to learn from home exclusively and to not attend campus for the entire first semester, they may choose the Distance Learning Only option. This option is currently available through the end of the 1st semester of the 2020-2021 school year. The policy will be reconsidered prior to the conclusion of the first semester and is not guaranteed to continue for the entire school year. 

  • Families must request this exemption by September 1 if they plan on learning online for the entire semester. This form can be found in MyPacifica by selecting the yellow bar indicating forms to be reviewed. 
  • Students who elect distance learning only option for the 1st semester are allowed and encouraged to participate in any aspect of Pacifica’s after school co-curricular program. 
  • It is strongly recommended that students learning exclusively from home partner with a “on-campus buddy” in each of their academic classes, with whom they can stay up to date on what needs to be done for each class, and through whom they may ask questions of the teacher as necessary.

Our faculty are deeply committed to teaching students to think wisely, act virtuously, and to serve to the Glory of God. We can hardly wait to get back to learning and to be with our students!

I am available to answer questions you may have about any of these learning scenarios. 

With grace and truth,

Dr. Ben Roberson