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Pacifica Advances Strategic Plan

September 2nd, 2016

With the successful launch of year two, I am pleased to share an update on the recent progress Pacifica faculty made towards our strategic plan–Pacifica 2018.  The stated goal for Pacifica's School Program is to Fully engage and challenge students with a school program that meaningfully integrates the Christian faith and provides our graduates with a foundation for success in college, life, work, and faith. Here are six examples of Pacifica faculty advancing this worthy pursuit. Transformational DiscussionWheatstone Ministries Leads Faculty in Discussion for Transformation The entire Pacifica faculty took part in a half-day seminar focused on leading transformational small group and classroom discussions. Wheatstone Ministries, which serves the purpose of, “Inviting Youth into Christian Adulthood,” provided a clear framework for leading conversations with teens to seek truth for the purpose of preparing students’ minds and hearts for college, the marketplace, life and the church. AP Summer Institutes in San Diego & Palos Verde We are pleased to share that Pacifica has launched three AP courses for the 2016-2017 academic year including AP Spanish IV, AP Literature, and AP Calculus. To best prepare students for these college-level courses, teachers were trained at various College Board-endorsed AP Summer Institutes from San Diego to Palos Verde. Acton University in Michigan Acton University is a unique, four-day exploration of the intellectual foundations of a free society. Guided by a distinguished, international faculty, Acton University provided an opportunity to deepen our English and History teachers’ knowledge and integrate philosophy, theology, business, and development–with sound, market-based, economics. STEAM Certificate from Columbia University Pacifica’s Science Department Chair, Dr. Anne Mangahas, completed a year-long STEAM Leadership Certificate at Columbia University in New York. The program focused on teaching STEAM pedagogical content knowledge and incorporating authentic data and using technology as a tool for learning. The program provides a springboard for cultivating problem-solving skills, inspiring student research projects, and integrating STEAM methods and essential principles addressed in new standards. Additionally, Dr. Mangahas published Next Generation Science Standards, STEAM, and the Use of Virtual Reality in Classrooms Science, a publication of the California Science Teachers Association. Western Association for College Admission Counseling (WACAC) Conference Pacifica’s Dean of College Counseling, Jennifer Brase, took part in WACAC’s annual conference at Loyola Marymount University. The conference serves to support and advance the work of counseling and enrollment professionals as they help all students realize their full potential as they matriculate to higher education. Join me in sharing a spirit of thankfulness to these exceptional teachers who have worked diligently to provide an ever improving educational experience at Pacifica. With grace and truth, Dr. Ben Roberson Principal