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Sept. 27 | Coffee with the Head

September 5th, 2024

Dear Pacifica Parents,
I am excited to personally invite you to join me for Coffee with the Head on Friday, September 27 from 8:30 - 10:30 AM at St. Andrew's Church. During our time together, I will share the following:
  • Results of our Parent Survey from the end of last year;
  • Updates and overview of this year’s operational plan;
  • Updates on the mentoring and formation of our students;
  • 2024 All-School Retreat highlights;
  • Details about Pacifica's new Houses; and
  • all those in attendance will receive a special gift! 
I strongly desire for at least one member of every family to attend this important and informative eventPacifica believes thoughtful planning, prudent execution, and intentional resource development are critical to any non-profit, and we take these processes very seriously. The more of us who are informed and take ownership of the school’s plans for the future, the greater our success will be in forming young people to think and live wellRegistration is required through this link.
I look forward to seeing you on Friday, September 27 at St. Andrew's!
With love and prayers,
David O'Neil
Head of School
When: Friday, September 27 from 8:30 - 10:30 AM
Registration is required through this link.
Posted in the categories General, Head of School, Weekly Newsletter.