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Pacifica Hires Two Additional Teachers

May 9th, 2016

PCHS OC LogoPacifica Christian High School-Orange County announced today the hiring of two teachers–Mr. Anthony Rinaldi for Physics & Mathematics and Miss Laura Batstone for English. Mr. Rinaldi majored in Physics and minored in Mathematics at Biola University where he was a member of the Torrey Honors Institute, engaging in Socratic discussions about the great writings of the Western tradition. During his time at Biola, Mr. Rinaldi learned to thoughtfully integrate his faith and the fields of physics and math. "Mr. Rinaldi teaches students to solve complex problems, think logically, and recognize patterns through Physics and Math," said Dr. Ben Roberson, Principal. "Equally as important, he uses these subjects to create understanding of the complexity and orderliness of God’s finely-tuned universe." Miss Batstone earned an B.A. in English from Vanguard University and an M.A. in English from UC Irvine. Miss Batstone taught a variety of writing courses at the collegiate level before serving as a high school English teacher and Department Chair. "Miss Batstone’s amiable personality enables her to connect with high school students in a way that motivates them to work hard in the classroom," says Dr. Ben Roberson, Principal. "She is an expert in her field and a well-trained teacher, we are thrilled to have such a dedicated and experienced teacher." Mr. Rinaldi and Miss Batstone will join the Pacifica team in August in preparation for the 2016-2017 school year. We encourage you to learn more about them by reading their complete bios here–Mr. Rinaldi’s bio and Miss Batstone’s bio.